Inmaculada Coffee Farms are known for cultivating rare coffee varieties such as Eugenioides, Geisha, Sudan Rume, and Laurina. Their coffees have gained international acclaim, frequently helping competitors reach the top six in World Barista and Brewers Cup championships.
The Fellows' Program is an initiative by Inmaculada to make their supply chain more efficient and at the same time provide a more predictable income for farmers. In the program Inmaculada purchases cherry from smallholder farmers surrounding their farms in the region of Cauca and processes them at their wet mill. The Fellows Program relieves the smallholder farmers of the burden of both processing and selling their coffee to the world market. At the same time, Inmaculada leverages the knowledge and experience they have accumulated improving cup quality and price earned per kilo.
This particular lot is a Castillo variety, processed as a natural with a 262hr anaerobic fermentation time. Expect deep purple fruit and red fruit in the cup.
Colour can intuitively communicate
how coffee tastes.
At THREE we communicate how our coffees taste through colour. We have grouped all of the
coffees we offer into three different colour groups, based on their sensory characteristics. This
makes it easy for you to find coffees you like.