This particular lot from La Laguna is a Caturra varietal processed as an anaerobic natural. Once the cherries are harvested, they are placed in tanks to ferment anaerobically for five days. These tanks are kept in the shade to ensure that the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees Celsius. Once fermentation is complete, the cherries are rinsed and then laid on raised beds to dry for approximately 15 to 20 days, depending on the weather. Expect a medley of purple and red fruits, along with chocolate and a positive funkiness.
This coffee tastes like an intense fruit punch. Purple and red fruits dominate the cup, accentuated by a 'funkiness,' which is the trademark of extended anaerobic fermentation. The dominant qualities of this coffee are its acidity and intensity of flavor.
This intensity is caused by the length of anaerobic fermentation during processing. This duration has created acids and volatile (aromatic) compounds that enhance its natural fruit character, while at the same time cloaking some of the nuances typically displayed by the classic natural process. The producer has intentionally sacrificed some of these nuanced notes, which come from terroir and varietal, for the intensity that results from anaerobic fermentation. Download PourOver (V60) recipe here
Purple Sweetness & Flavour
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A complex cup profile producing notes of Florals, Chocolates and Deep, Purple Fruits
Colour can intuitively communicate
how coffee tastes.
At THREE we communicate how our coffees taste through colour. We have grouped all of the
coffees we offer into three different colour groups, based on their sensory characteristics. This
makes it easy for you to find coffees you like.
Kindly note that our Roastery will be closed for pick-up and offline purchases from February 10th to 12th. All online orders placed during this time will be delivered during our standard delivery window.
If you’re in the area, we’d love to see you at the WOC exhibition for a cup of coffee 🙂
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