This particular lot comes from a single farm, a rarity for Ethiopia where most coffees are cooperative-based; an amalgam of many smallholders. What makes this lot special is that it is comprised totally of "floaters" Floaters are lower-density cherries, that float when soaked in water, a step used to sort coffee before drying. These are usually discarded due to being perceived as low quality. However, these floaters were kept and dried separately and produced a surprisingly fruitful cup. Expect notes of yellow and dried fruits in the cup.
Due to its elevation, this lot has a med-high natural acidity. During processing, it was subject to small amounts of fermentation, producing sweet, 'fruited' aromatics. However, floaters are generally less dense and therefore carry less sugars, leading to lower amounts of ferment than denser cherries. The roast profile in both filter and espresso aim to display the fruited (acidity-driven) characters produced at origin.
في THREE نتواصل معكم حول مذاق قهوتنا من خلال الألوان. لقد قمنا بتجميع كل من
القهوة التي نقدمها مقسمة إلى ثلاث مجموعات ألوان مختلفة، بناءً على خصائصها الحسية. هذا
يجعل من السهل عليك العثور على القهوة التي تفضلها.